I have to admit, hearing these results was a somewhat odd experience-- particularly after the high emotions of last night. The secretary of the Convention, Gregory Straub, explained that when there is a divided vote, the divided deputations have to be read out first, specifying who voted no and who yes. I think he meant to say that as a warning not to be overwhelmed by the list that followed. But after he listed the divided deputations, he proceeded with the final tally by deputation: Lay Order: 82 yes, 21 no, six divided, which = 75% in favor. Clerical Order: 72 yes, 28 no: 9 divided, which = 66%.
After the results were read, those of us who were gathered in the back of the room had a quick huddle to savor the moment and say goodbye to Vicki Gray, who had waited to hear the results before driving back to the Bay Area. While we were there, Gay Jennings came by, on her way back onto the floor, and heartily congratulated us. I continue to be so grateful for her leadership in the committee on World Mission, particularly given how overwhelmingly stacked their plate was with B033 related resolutions.
Now this resolution moves to the House of Bishops.
Meanwhile, resolution D012 which would put the Episcopal Church on record in support of trans civil rights, should come before the House of Deputies this afternoon. So stay tuned for more news on that front! The Spirit is seriously moving here.
- The Rev'd Dr. Cameron Partridge