The below reflection is from Donna Cartwright, founding member of TransEpiscopal and current member of our steering committee.
Fifteen years ago, when trans Episcopalians were beginning to organize and bring our issues and concerns before the church, the going was tough. We encountered suspicion, misunderstanding and in some cases an unwillingness to engage, in some cases even from others in the progressive wing of the church.
I met Mary Miller in that context -- she was a strong ally from the start, and a helpful guide in navigating the internal politics in the church. I met Ron Miller not long afterward, and got a more thorough understanding of the breadth of social justice commitments inside and outside the church that wonderful couple exemplified.
A few years later, when Mary and Ron sold their home in South Baltimore and moved a few blocks from where I live, our friendship deepened. Mary and I had a regular lunch every few weeks, where I learned a great deal about the inner workings of the church (as one who came to faith late in life, this was very helpful for me).
I miss them both a great deal. We can best honor and remember them by carrying on their work.
- Donna Cartwright